Pregnant Woman Demonstrates a Ventry Fan

Posted by Ventry Solutions, Inc. on

To show how easy it is, while 9 months pregnant, Joan demonstrates the ppv fan.

No straining or lifting is necessary to extend or retract the legs on Ventry® Fans, as demonstrated by our former colleague Joan in videos taken when she was 9-months pregnant. In these videos, she sets up / deploys the fan and then retracts the legs for storage.

How to set up the fan

The day before Joan’s second (and final) child was born in August 2014, Sara took a couple videos of her setting up a 24-inch Ventry Fan.

How to take down the fan

That same day, Sara also recorded Joan taking the fan back down and rolling it away.

Now that you know how easy Ventry Fans with all-terrain legs are to set up and take back down, learn why the legs are so crucial.

Watch other short videos while you are here, including Prop Safety Destruction Demo (something everyone should see before choosing a positive pressure fan)!

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