Videos - PPV Fans
What’s so great about these fans/blowers? James stars in a short video about Ventry® Ventilation Fans, taken during a busy international fire-rescue expo, right in our booth!
2 Demos at Once. A Ventry® PPV Fan is deployed at the same time as a Lentry® Portable Scene Lighting System. Also watch the time lapse 2-Demos-in-5-Seconds video showing set up and take down of both units.
Pregnant woman demos fan with legs. Our previous colleague Joan demonstrates how to deploy a Ventry® Fan, extending its legs, and then how to put it away again, all while 9 months pregnant!
Propeller safety demonstration/test. See what happens to James, who’s standing next to a Ventry PPV Fan when, at full RPM, the fan is jousted with a firefighting pike pole.
Open/Free-flow guards. Hear noise decrease and see CFM increase as a pseudo solid shroud is removed from a Ventry Fan.
Blow-Off between PPVs. Customer’s video of a face-to-face blow-off between Ventry Fan and a much larger competitor.
Brush Burning Fans. Compilation of three short videos showing Ventry Fans in use as brush / slash burning fans.
UL PPV Test Discussion. Experts in the fire service talk about the UL study in this Fire Engineering “Humpday Hangout - Focus on Training” and how the study will affect their operations.
Ventry Electric Fan Model 20EM3550. This video shows the fan being turned on and ran inside our booth at a fire industry trade show.
Ventry Fan Model 20GX160. This video shows the fan in our booth at a fire industry trade show.
Ventry Fan Model 24GX200. This video shows the fan standing tall in our booth at a fire industry trade show. Ventry Fan Model 24GX200 is our most popular fan for brush burning / stump burning.