Testimonials for All-Terrain, Portable Lights
In making a decision about the safety equipment you choose, it can really help to hear from those with direct experience. Thanks to all who share with us their experiences with Lentry® Light Systems. Please let us know if you would like to share your experiences!
While we typically try to check in with customers a little while after their purchase to see how everything is going, once-in-a-while a customer contacts us first. Such is the case with this email we received from Emergency Management Director Doug Huntrods of Meade County, South Dakota:
“I was on my way to an LEPC meeting where I was going to demonstrate the lights that I purchased with homeland security grant funds in October. As I was driving to the meeting a call came in for a train versus car accident. The train drug the car about 300 yards down the track to an area where lighting was difficult. I had a police officer help me carry the generator and [2-Headed] LED light up to the tracks were we lit the scene quite well. After the driver of the vehicle was extracted and on his way to the hospital, the Fire Chief came up to me to say hi. I asked him what he thought of the lighting and he said members of his department had asked him why they don’t have those lights. He told them he was coming to an LEPC meeting where we were going to discuss getting them some.”
A Lentry Light was tested thoroughly by one of our local electric utility companies in 2018 and we were grateful to receive photos from them of three different lighting techniques they’d tried. The candid comment captioning the one photo of the portable Lentry Light described it as the “New bad*ss light. No competition. It is sweet.”
As you have probably heard us say, we love feedback on our products, whether it’s good, bad, or even ugly (how else are we to improve?). So when able, we like to check in with customers to see how their products are working. When doing just that, we received a response from a Fire Marshall in North Carolina about their three Lentry Systems they have had for a few months.
“We are very pleased with our purchase of the Lentry Lighting Systems. They have exceeded our expectations and are an extremely valuable tool for our fire department.”
A prominent water district in Missouri recently requested a quote on more units after purchasing one Lentry Light Model 2SPECX-C23 as a replacement for a tow-behind light tower. When I asked how they liked their new system, the first thing the gentleman mentioned was how bright the light is. To my comment that it’s hard to understand just how bright the lights are until they are seen in-person, he quickly agreed, “I know!” He was very excited about the light and started explaining how the single V-Spec LED light was just as bright as a light tower they had used, but the Lentry System was lighter, easier to carry and set up, compacted down for storage, and was a FRACTION of the cost of a light tower. Needless to say, I could tell he was tickled about his purchase. ~ Sara, 10/31/2017
“We have this same [Lentry] unit in Vinita, Oklahoma and use it on nearly every fire and extrication and absolutely love it as well as the two Ventry Fans we carry.” ~ Kevin W. (Comment on our Facebook album showing Lentry System in use.)
During a post-sale follow-up call to Chief Campbell in Pennsylvania, it was asked how the Lentry Lights were working for him, to which he responded:
“It arrived in good condition and went to work the day after on a severe motor vehicle accident. There’s always a dark side. No matter how much lighting you have, there’s always a dark side. It was 4 am, a severe accident, we went to the dark side. And we Illuminated the dark side [with the Lentry unit]. . . We got [model 2OPUPS], anticipating having electricity to spare for sawz all etc. That’s exactly what we were able to do. … We also wanted it for illuminating personnel when we do traffic control. A couple days later, another severe accident. We had to shut the road down for several hours and illuminate. The result was 100% better safety. Maybe we could’ve gotten [something comparable] elsewhere, but we chose this one because it could set on uneven ground, and it raises up instead of illuminating from the ground surface. We are able to illuminate from about shoulder height [with their standard height model]. We have found that to be beneficial. We are very satisfied with the product at this time.
“It went to work within 48 hours and it’s done everything we anticipated it would. We are very pleased with how smart we were for choosing it.”
When we called the West Ridge FD in Erie, Pennsylvania to ask how their trial on a Lentry Light System was going, the gentleman responded:
“The check’s in the mail. It took all of 30 seconds to demo it and decide we needed it.”
Photo courtesy of B. Bailie and the St. Francis Xavier Fire Department (MB, Canada).
Deputy Chief Brian Bailie, formerly of the St. Francois Xavier Fire Department in St. Francois Xavier, Manitoba, Canada, commented on his experiences in using the two Lentry Portable Scene Lights he secured for his department. In an email, he wrote...
“...Makes me wish these units were around for most of my career life. I can think of many a call where we would have pinched ourselves to have had them. Our Lentry light gen/sets are continually in use whether on drill nights, on ice/water rescue responses, or during structural firefighting operations, or even just charging portable radio batteries on scene, their many uses are virtually limitless, and life as a result is so much easier and safer for our members. One would never regret having them supporting you.”
Chief Bailie shared several photos from the scene of a motor vehicle accident. The wreck and recovery efforts were far from the road. The department’s two dual, telescoping scene lights provided crucial lighting where otherwise it would have been extremely dark. The victim was too far from the road for the truck lights to be effective.
On shipping and packaging:
“We got the St. Cloud light order today and just want to let you know that I’m very impressed with the amount of care that your products receive when being packaged. Things aren’t just put into a box and shipped, they are packaged properly to ensure that they arrive in the best condition possible, very professional!” ~ Kirk Peterson of Core & Main (MN)
Bob, a Firefighter in Iowa, told us over the phone that the Lentry unit with the Panorama light his fire department purchased, “paid for itself the first night.” A semi had gone off the road near a bridge, toward the water. They set the light up on the hill and it lit the whole scene.
Bob’s story (above) reminded us of an encounter at FDIC one year. A group of first responders had walked by and one of them instantly recognized the potential of the Lentry Light. He pointed at one of the models in our booth and exclaimed, “We needed that last night!”
The group stopped and told us how they had responded to a motorcycle accident in which the cyclist had come to rest at the bottom of a very steep ravine. With no way to light the scene so far from the road and down the steep hill, rescue had been delayed as fire fighters made their way in the dark to the victim.
“If we’d had that,” the man said out loud, “we could have set it up on the side of the hill at the top, aimed it down, and lit the whole area!”
“The [Lentry] system was delivered in a timely manner and works great. We used it for training one night and was very pleased with the amount of light it produces. We had an engine and a squad set about 40 ft apart and had plenty of light to carry out operations as well as light the building we were training on. We ended up taking out the little jump seat in the back of the suburban, and mounting it to the floor on the passenger side. [...] Your product is great and every time we set it up someone always comments how nice it works. Thanks again, and great products.” ~ Assistant Chief in Glen Haven, Colorado. (Received by email.)
“We assembled the units and they look great. I am impressed with how sturdy the assemblies are, much more than I anticipated [...] I just wanted you to know what a pleasure it was working with you and I hope to do additional business with you in the future.” ~ Sergeant with the Crime Scene Unit of a County Sheriff’s Office (Received by email.)
A while after delivering several 1000-watt Lentry Light Systems to an EMS unit in Idaho, the representative from Santiam Emergency Equipment told us, “They love their [Lentry units]. Took their huge generator off the truck and use it as station backup. It used to take three guys to unload the thing.” (Received by email.)