Truck-Mounted LEDs Double As Portable Scene Lighting

Posted by Ventry Solutions, Inc. on

Can Lentry Lights be mounted on a truck?

This clever mounting idea comes from the Summerhill Fire Company in Berwick, Pennsylvania. Their All-Terrain LED now serves double-duty as both portable AND truck-mounted scene lighting. Below is a photo of Summerhill’s brush truck. (Click the picture to see a larger view)

Summerhill’s brush truck, complete with portable AND truck-mounted LEDs

Brilliant! Summerhill Fire’s simple mounting idea increases safety, adds value, and saves money by making one tool do the work of several.

Assistant Chief Harold Kern Jr. contacted us in need of a light his department could mount to their brush truck. Thinking beyond typical truck lights, they recognized Lentry® Generator Lights as both truck-mounted lighting and portable lighting.

Summerhill’s solution was to rest each of the three feet on the All-Terrain Lentry Light in a “cup” created from 3-inch PVC pipe (see images). Holes in each of the cups allow water to drain out. The Lentry Light operates perfectly from this position high atop the brush truck. As needed, the generator with LEDs attached can also be lifted out and carried to a remote area whenever light or backup power is required out of the line of site from the road.

Close-up of Summerhill’s Lentry Light mounted to their brush truck.
Close-up of Summerhill’s Lentry Light mounted to their brush truck. Click here for a close-up of the foot.

Truck-mount parts/materials. Click to enlarge (new window).
The 3 feet rest in 3-in ABS snap-in drains.

The Lentry Light they chose, 2SPECSS, has dual, standard height, telescoping 28,000-lumen V-Spec LEDs. And each of the LEDs can be raised upward (elevated, telescoped) or left down, rotated, and tilted up or down. Left mounted to the truck or carried to a remote location away from the road, Summerhill’s Lentry System will beam light for hundreds of feet in multiple directions at once! Brilliant.

Thank you to 2nd Assistant Chief Kern and the resourceful folks of the Summerhill Fire Company for sharing this solution and these helpful how-to photos.

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